Sunday 21 February 2010

Open Letter: Muslim Centre


Dear Sirs

The situation with the proposed Muslim Centre is creating an unpleasant debate among acid residents. Whether you are pro the Centre and Muslim integration in society, or whether you're anti because you perceive the value of your house price may drop, there is a rather interesting point to be made about democracy in all of this.

The article published on the 12th of November states that the decision will not be made by elected members of the public but instead be made by planning bosses. This is a rather terrible indication of how undemocratic our council is as is refusing to take into account objections made by members of the public, and the public's opinion in general. Freedom of speech and right to protest are valuable commodities in a society that accepts them. However, the development of the Muslim Centre is indicative of the erosion of our rights to challenge and further society.

In the event that something sparks such disquiet, I would be pleased to see the Borough Council discuss this issue at the State of Borough Debate and provide full plans including the likely public benefit in the development of the Muslim Centre.

Yours faithfully

Kelly-Marie Blundell
Ashford Liberal Democrats

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, the interesting point to be made about democracy is - we don't have any. We get to vote every few years for alternative slavemasters is all.

    The whole voting thingo is a circus. Candidates make promises they never keep and between elections we are not consulted about anything of importance.

    Anyway, who wants democracy, an institution in which the majority tell everyone else what to do?

    Have a look at the majority.
    Observe which is the highest selling newspaper.
    Observe which TV programmes hqave the highest ratings.

    There you will observe the majority - you want to be ruled by that lot of idiots?

    When you ask for democracy, that is what you will get.

    I have no desire or need to be governed. Peaceful anarchy is far preferable to what we have which is violent government.


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