Tuesday 16 March 2010

Alarming Bribery in Councils (Made Off II)

The BBC reports that Councils are paying off all number of CEOs in immense "severence deals".

Communities and Local Government Secretary John Denham states in this article;

"The Audit Commission report shows that too many chief executives are being dismissed because they have fallen out with council leaders - this can cost as much as £500,000 in some cases and is all too often seen as a quick-fix solution."

So what we seeing here is effectively blackmail.

This is not the first item I have seen which indicates one rule for councils and another for the rest of the country. Fraud is apparently rife within our democratically elected councils.

Not to mention the furore over expenses in central government.

The Russians have a saying for corruption which I consider wonderfully apt. The fish rots from the head down.

If, as the soundbites say, Britain is Broken, then it is the current government regimes and extreme forms of power they hold that is the problem and has filtered down.

Local Impact

Kent County Council's Chief Executive Peter Gilroy was given a shocking £200,000 as he left this year.

Interestingly, he is not the only member of KCC to be extortionately rewarded for leaving his job. Kent Online goes on to say;

"Only last month, we reported how two former senior directors at Kent County Council earned £670,000 between them in a single year after receiving six-figure pay-offs when they left their jobs."

The Conservatives criticise the report, stating "the pay-offs were an "affront" and that councils had to provide "clearer guidance".

Yet the last three payoffs in KCC were made by the Tory Council.

As the BBC reports,

"The commission found competent chief executives had been laid off needlessly and those not up to the job were being paid off when they should have been sacked.

This is simply underlines it as a form of blackmail.

We should not be allowing our councils and governments to get away with crime. The only power we have to change this is our vote.

So maybe we need to re-engage with politics again and stop voting for party dominance and start voting for people we know, with integrity and morals.

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