Sunday 4 July 2010

The Potential Real Cost of the Development of St Mary's Church

This week's Nuts and Bolt column in the Kentish Express identifies feckless fly tipping in the churchyard in the town centre.

The disposal of a post-modern pink Christmas tree may amuse people, but the implications are more wide reaching.

While the Church of England has agreed to the development may go ahead and will fund the disinterring of the graves, if residents cannot respect both the integrity of the graveyard or the residents who suffer from regular antisocial behaviour, in the surrounding area,one must ask if they will ever respect or act responsibly towards the proposed development.

As the column identifies, equipment and work will be impossible to protect from the three fair of rowdy weekend revellers who already cause much distress in this area.

Is the development of the Church worth (in addition to the proposed spending plan of one million) the legal costs of people suing for falling down holes, or the cost of security guards to patrol the area?

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