Friday, 15 October 2010

Lateral Thinking Friday on Local News

I have recently subscribed to Kent Online News Updates. This allows me to keep up with the news.

In true "Friday" mode this afternoon, when an alert popped up on my blackberry, I thought the title "Mum of 13: I'm not a scrounger" was worth a look.

The story is pretty meek all things considering. A woman objecting to being misrepresented as a person who wastes all of her benefits on televisions and swimmingpools. Fair enough.

But then I cast my eye over the comments.

Delightfully, and predictably, an small debate was being exercised on the rights to claim benefits.

Phrases such as "what is the world coming to" reared out at me in true Daily Fail fashion. But interestingly, the following correspondence caught my eye;

Neil Boyo wrote:

Oi Lynn, shut ya mouf.

my mums got 14 kids and lives off benefits. so wot.

if someones gonna giv it why work for it. i think your all mugs for workin.

my mums the best, she can llok after the kids and still box you up down

Followed by



Now, here's some lateral thinking for you

What is wrong with that statement?


Try this one;

Mech Seals Boi wrote:

Stop all havin a pop at Neil boyo! I think your all jellous as he has more time off than you and probably more extra cash at the end of the month therefore a better life style. your all like crying children, grow up and sort you own lifes out. If you cant bet them join them, you all have the option to live the easy life like neil and myself. and as for the big man DJ, your threats dont worry us, we all know your not gonna turn up down the doll so do one mug

Got it yet?


Let's give you a highlight;

See it now?

For people that cannot spell "benefits", I have admit my sceptical surprise at the use of the word "conforming".

How about the next one?

Perhaps there is a slight wind up / egging on going on here to encourage more comments and controversy?

PS I find lanugage analysis fascinating, see the Lindbergh Kidnapping for some interesting examples.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Open Letter: Introduction of Charges For Local Businesses

Dear Sirs,

I was absolutely appalled to read the introduction of charges for local businesses to display an A board on the high street outside their premises. It seems that this is Ashford Borough Council's answer to their inability to raise council tax next year.

To quote the economic deficit as a reason for an introduction of such a charge, and to mention removing the clutter in the high street, when local businesses are failing, is simply an atrocious misunderstanding of the situation.

Or perhaps the true reason is some ludicrous health and safety policy incase someone is injured. In which case, local businesses are covered by employee liability, and there is no need for funding to be added to this pot by the council.

In addition to the 50%-100% rise for market stall rents, and the ongoing reduction of services that residents see in Ashford, I do wonder where all of this "stealth" funding is going.

Campanologist Chris Cooper raised some serious questions in his protest at St Mary's Church about local government spending and the allocation of finances. As I'm sure most residents would agree, we would prefer to maintain levels of crime prevention, rubbish services and court services than invest in design schemes such as forecourt stations, shared space and converted churches.

Sadly, with the removal of the State of the Borough Debate, one of the last few remaining democratic processes in the area, means this question cannot be raised easily.

With empty premises in Ashford, the greatly reducing footfall since the isolation of the town centre and numerous empty business premises around the borough, I would think the Ashford Borough Council would be more inclined to promote local community rather than ban them from increasing trade.

Yours faithfully,

Kelly-Marie Blundell

Ashford's "Stealth Taxes" For Local Businesses

I was absolutely horrified to read the Ashford Borough Council intends to charge businesses for putting a board in the street.

This appears to be another stealth tax introduction by the borough council, alongside increasing market rental by 50% (per hour), charging for leafleting and advertising and a significant increase in parking charges.

I do intend to conduct a Freedom of Information request to find out exactly where all this new revenue accrued is going.

We do not see it in the provision of services as residents, I can assure you of that.

I am an Ashfordian born and ,and in the last three years have seen my council tax rise, the allocation of police community resource officers changed from one ward to one to four wards, the loss of the custody suite and subsequent jobs within the police station, the introduction of significantly higher parking prices, the destruction of buildings to build car parks and further isolate the town centre, the introduction of an expensive high-speed rail service but no investment in local services.

We have had the wonderful stories of people making their own warning signs about potholes within the borough, we have had green waste collection removed, I regularly support residents whose wardens have been removed from their housing, I am now campaigning against the introduction of charges for the Lifeline system for elderly residents which has replaced the wardens.

I have watched the market be forced from Elwick Road to Bank Street, then away from the bandstand and down to the lower area of the high Street where is reduced often to three or four stalls on a week day and five or six at a weekend.

There were rumours of local community centre at Bybrook being closed, buses do not provide disability access, and more land is being used for more houses when there is no community infrastructures as a supporter let alone council services.

I'm terrified of the day when Ashford Borough Council will decide to follow in the footsteps of Barnett and provide an "EasyJet" no-frills council service for seemingly more money than we had paid before.

One Passionate Campanologist (Pun Intended) and Ashford's Public Sector Finances

Following the national press interest process of bellringer Chris Cooper in his tent at St Mary's Church, I feel that such passion and dedication to the cause merits comment.

I went round to the churchyard on Friday to see if I could get the opportunity to speak to him. However, having been round three times, I realised that he must have indeed been moved on.

Given that the front page on the Kentish Express identified he will impending him on a hunger strike, I was naturally concerned.

It seems that Mr Cooper was moved on on Thursday following the groundbreaking ceremony (no pun intended).

There are a lot of pertinent points to be raised from about the redevelopment of St Mary's Church.

Firstly, the development has an integral selling point to The Church, as it will mean that any damage to the 12th century property will be repaired by money from the grants and Ashford Borough Council rather than the Dioceses having to foot the bill. After all, they've just hosted the Pope coming to the UK, they couldn't possibly have the money to make minor structural repairs.

Secondly, it is worth noting that the money allocated to the churchyard is ring fenced for creative arts development. Therefore, in spite of Mr Cooper's valiant protest, the money could not be used to save the magistrates and county courts within the town. Nor could it be used to install CCTV camera or fund extra presence roles of the churchyard to help mitigate antisocial behaviour levels. This is the legacy you may or may not agree, with but ultimately it is hard to overthrow.

Thirdly as fellow Liberal Democrat campaigner Jeremy Adby points out, the redevelopment of St Mary's Church is already costed a terrifying £191,000 and that was without the ground being broken.

When facing a significant public sector deficit, ludicrous introductions of charges for advertising on the high street and regularly soaring council tax, it is shocking that so much money could be invested into something that hasn't happened yet.

Chris Cooper is quite right to question where our public finances go, our council tax has been rising above inflation levels for a significant number of years, and in addition to localise "stealth taxes", we do not seem to be reaping many benefits in Ashford.

In the last two years we have lost our custody suites, we may soon lose police station, our PCSO budgets have been halved so the number of community support officers on the street has been affected accordingly, potholes have worsened, our green waste collection has been withdrawn,wardens have been removed from older people's accommodation and the council are now charging for Lifeline and high street notice boards. If all of this is going to fund the development of the church, I would rather they paid more attention to the fundamentals of society.

We may have low expectations of what Borough councils are meant to provide, but it has to be agreed that rubbish collection, community safety, housing, and care for older and younger people is integral to the services they have. I would prefer to see the council concentrating on fulfilling these services to the highest quality before investing vast amounts of money in something that has raised so much controversy, passion and debate, especially when other services are so greatly needed.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Kennington Community Forum Update

I became an executive committee member of the Kennington Community Forum at the Annual General Meeting in July 2010.

Our last meeting was held on Tuesday 28th September 2010 at St Mary's Church, Kennington.

Local Crime and Community Issues

PC Mandy Surgeoner identified a rise in motor vehicle theft. Please be aware of what you leave on display in your car and notify your neighbours of the impending risks.

"No Trick or Treat" signs are now available from Kent Police to protect people during the Halloween season. KCF will be posting one on their website for people to print off.

Following complaints of speeding on Faversham Road, Trinity Road and Canterbury Road, police have carried out covert average speed checks.

Canterbury Road identified average speed checks of 33.3mph AM, 33.7mph at noon and 35mph PM

Trinity Road identifies an average speed of 34mph AM, 35mph noon and 34mph PM

Faversham Road identifies an average speed of 31mph AM, 31mph noon and 32mph PM.

While this does not seem excessive,top speeds were recorded at 47mph on all three roads at various times.

As a resident of Faversham Road myself, I hear vehicles speeding a lot, and I am aware of the constant flow of young and older people that are most at risk. I look forward to the return of speed check camera and an increase in visits from the Hawkeye Police Vehicle.

Members of the public raised issues with traffic on Ball Lane, going the wrong way in the evenings. Kent Police are to send vehicles down there periodically to prevent this happening.

Health Walks Initiative

Natural England and NHS Eastern and Coastal Kent are working in partnership to promote the positive health benefits of regular walks.

Martin Jordan is coordinating the project for Ashford and wishes to draw residents attention to walks leaving from the Sure Start Centre in boxing and from New Hayesbank Surgery on a regular basis. Further information can be found on the Kennington website and they are actively seeking volunteer walk coordinator and leaders.

Kennington Hockey Club

Much debate has been found over potential developments at the hockey club. The hockey club desperately need to relocate to expand and develop their premises, and the proposed selling their property to Provis developers who would then put 600 houses on the site.

Regular readers of the Kentish express will be aware of the issues surrounding this development, including the lateral effect that such development will lead to the reintroduction of the Link Road and Kennington North Proposals.

Residents in Kennington are presented with a catch 22.

The development of the hockey club would have significant benefits for sports in Kent, including rehousing cricket, football and hockey teams in more suitable facilities away from residential accommodation.

However, there is an indication that the majority of residents are against the development of the link road, which cannot be built without housing in Kennington North to justify the cost.

Bovis homes and Hockey Club will be hosting an exhibition on Friday the 1st October and Saturday on 2nd October for residents to visit and comment.

Planning Applications

Objections have been raised regarding the demolition of a property and replacing with six bungalows on Grovesnor Road.

Following the rejection of the application for 11 houses on The Street, a new application has been proposed for six houses and the rejection is being appealed.

There is a proposal for Warren Lane to build 66 sheltered houses and an office block by Pentland homes

Further information can be found on the Ashford Borough Council website.

Public Consultation

Ashford Borough Council has finally agreed to open public consultation on the licensing of "lapdancing" premises in the borough. Currently, there is no requirement to these premises to be licensed but there is the option to the council to consider licensing by the magistrates courts. I will post a link as soon as this is available.

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