Monday, 3 January 2011

Open Letter: Political Quote of the Year

Dear Sirs,

The Kentish Express (30th December 2010) provides a political review of the year, but they appear to leave out a significant quote from Ashford Borough Council. Paul Carter had the temerity to call Ashford's rating as the worst council in the country for recycling “a good thing”.

We are in an age where our carbon foot prints are growing, the damage to the environment is striking, and every school child is educated on fuel conservation, yet Ashford's current administration consider recycling to be a non-essential part of borough services, and that, when rated the most abysmal council in the country, respond with smirks and a lack of seriousness.

I would like to see a stronger commitment to recycling services in the future, especially as this is the second time Ashford Borough Council have let us down; first by opting out of the free recycling service that Shepway and Canterbury use, and now through failing to reassure residents recycling and rubbish collection is a priority.

Kind regards,

Kelly-Marie Blundell

1 comment:

  1. Oh, really, carbon footprints indeed! You cannot be serious?


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